Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thurs 21st Nov - Got Hot :(

Ruby's skin was looking pretty good this morning - great face, the crack on the back of his knee had healed, the backs of his legs were soft but were starting to show fluidy bumps at the edges.  His feet were improved and so were his elbows.

However he overheated horribly at the Mitre 10 playground - won't be going back there until summer is finished!

He looks pretty awful now - parts of his skin that were white and soft came up with red spots, he was super red, inflamed, very itchy, started crying and 2 hours later despite being covered in icepacks and with the fan on him he is still red and the new patches aren't going away.

Breakfast - brocolli soup & chicken
Snack - apples and blueberries
Lunch - left over dinner - chicken and vege-ghetti (chicken, coconut oil. onion, garlic, carrot, courgette, brocolli, peas, salt)
Snack - Grapes & Spirulina Smoothie (water, banana, spirulina)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wed 20th November - sick with a cough

Although he has a medium bad cough and the sniffles he hasn't flared up too badly.  In fact I don't think he's flaring at all.

His feet are quite bad and sore but this was due to over heating in bed 2 nights ago really badly and scratching really really intensely.  They are now very cracked, dry and raw in one spot so the horrible itch-scratch cycle has reared it's ugly head again which totally sucks since his feet had healed a lot.

Feet - medium red, medium swollen, one raw patch on left foot about 1cm square, backs of heels very dry and cracked badly.

Lower legs - good, white, smooth

Knee front - healing, medium red, cracks are healed and receding but still very obvioius

Knees back - really good healing, purpley redish but medium, cracks are healing - one crack still open from the hot flare the other night, they are vastly improved

Upper legs - pretty good except two new spots, were weeping the other day but are healing now

Bottom - medium red, not too dry

Back - red spots have receeded into dry spots

Tummy - red spots are very faded but still present

Neck - dry, irritated but healing under chin, back of neck very good.

Face - awesome, very white today, smooth, a small scabby patch on his left hand side by his mouth, around mouth has become red and irritated since getting sick and he needs lip balm, eyes are healing since flare the other night

Mood - pretty chirpy today especially since he is a little sick

Breakfast - brocolli soup & chicken

Morning tea - carrot sticks, 1/2 apple, 1 banana

Lunch - left over beef chow mein and fried cabbage, chicken, 1 strawberry, blueberries, gummies, 1/2 smudgey

Snack - grapes, bannana, apple

Dinner - chicken and vege-ghetti (chicken, coconut oil. onion, garlic, carrot, courgette, brocolli, peas, salt)

The Plan

Auto Immune, low histamine paleo diet to heal the gut, reduce histamine, control candida.

Meat - 20% of meal
Vegetables - 80% of meal
Fruit - for snacks only

Meat - limit pork because of histamines, include lots of stock, broth, gelatin and some organs
Vegetables - no potato, capsicum, tomato, eggplant, capsicum (nightshades)
Fruit - no strawberry, kiwi, oranges, mandarins (high histamine)

Typical Menu:
Breakfast - Vege Soup made with meat stock, left over roast chicken or homemade meat patties
Lunch - Left over dinner
Dinner - Meat, Roast vegetable, Hob Vegetable, Raw Salad
Snacks - Fruit, vegetables, dips made from  veges (e.g. guacamole

Skin Care
Bath - rotate apple cider vinegar (anti fungal/antibacterial/antiviral) and Epsom Salts (detox)
         - soap rinse with a tallow bar soap

Cream - tallow balm or essenchi

Surfactant free home - every single item in house must be home made and surfactant free.
                                - the products we use will leave residues so we need to be surfactant free too!
                                - surfactants increase skin permability leading to infections from staph & candida
                                - surfactants increase water loss from skin leading to dryness & itching
                                - surfactants will damage the gut lining also

Zinc - at bath time -  to help his skin heal
Probiotic -  am & pm - to help heal his gut, control candida

Look for a fish oil that will be tolerated to help absorb vitamins and minerals from food (as they are fat soluble) and it is anti inflammatory - not a fermented product because of the histamines.

Look for an appropriate Vitamin C to stabilize mast cells.

NO - antihistamines, ibuprofen, antibiotics etc - they will only slow the healing.  We just have to make it through the worst parts with ice packs and distraction and love!

* incorporate some stress relieving techniques
* have more fun to alleviate some stress

Before leaving the house for school - reset kinesiology routine
After school - Spend 20 minutes focused one on one playtime together a day
Before bed - Breathing exercises
Weekend - play, play, play - no jobs!!

Keep a journal to document skin, food and mood.
Help to see improvements when I forget he is actually making progress
If he does decline then I might be able to trace it back to a trigger
It is going to take a long time so it will be good to see the progress that I might not be able to notice if I look at it all day everday

REMEMBER it could be a long journey - months... maybe longer..... but this is not going to hurt him and this approach is best for the whole families health.